Adult Immersion Trips

Concentration Camp
Cattle Car

Auschwitz Concentration Camp

Sharing an Auschwitz Survivor’s Story

Renee Firestone’s Hologram


Is humor ok,
for such a serious subject?

Renee & Klara Firestone with friends explore
how we process topics like the Holocaust.
Director Ferne Pearlstein takes us on
a unique journey with humor at the forefront.

Play Movie Trailer below.


Museum of Tolerance

I used to be a racist skinhead & Neo-Nazi.

Now I address Antisemitism

Los Angeles (City of Angels)

We listen to the stories of others, to create a new tomorrow.

History meets the Present

Olvera Street
Birthplace of Los Angeles

Jackie Robinson changes Baseball forever.

You are the Director of
your own screenplay!

By coming together, we create a new inclusive story.

Human Rights Immersion Tours

Produced by SAA Builds